[Editor's note: I make no claim to have written the following material. Everything below is the work of Mr. Ben Rosenthal, a former Miyagi-ken JET. I have edited his paper somewhat for better grammar and style, but the words below are virtually identical to those in his essay, both in content and meaning.]
The following is a kind of dictionary of vocabulary that you might hear used in Miyagi. Of course, this is not a comprehensive list. In fact, not everything that appears here is used or even necessarily understood all over the prefecture. However, it may well happen that a word you came across in the prefecture but were not able to find in a regular Japanese-English dictionary can be found among the following entries.
(N.B.: words in brackets [] represent equivalent vocabulary in Standard Japanese.)
ABAIN [ikimashou] "Let's go" (polite)
ABE [ikou] "Let's go" (casual)
AGAPIKO [aka-chan, akambô] "baby"
AGUDO [kakato] "heel"
ANBE [guai] "condition" -> Ex.: anbe warii [guai ga warui] "to not feel well"
ANDA [anata] "you"
ANDAI [anata no ie] "your house" (cf. ORAI)
APPETOPPE [mechakucha] "mixed up," "incomprehensible" -> Ex.: appetoppe na Eigo [mechakucha na Eigo] "imcomprehensible English"
BEKO / BEGO [ushi] "cow"
BERO [shita] "tongue"
BIKKI [kaeru] "frog"
CHAKKOI [chiisai] "small"
CHISAKKOI [chiisai] "small"
CHICCHAKOI [chicchai] "tiny"
CHOBETTO [chotto] "a little bit"
CHOSU [sawaru] "touch" -> Ex.: Chosu na! [Sawaru na!] "Keep your hands off!"
-DAZU [-tachi] (plural suffix for people) -> Ex.: shito-dazu [hito-tachi] "people"; oi-dazu [ore-tachi] "we"/"us"
DENBI [hitai, odeko] "forehead"
GAGA [kanai] "my wife"
GAOTTA [tsukareta, yowatta] "wiped out" -> Past tense of gaoru, "to become wiped out."
GICCHO [hidari-kiki] "left-handed"
GOSSHAGU [okoru] "get angry"
GOSHIPPARAGERU / GOSHIPPARAYAGERU [hara a tateru] "lose one's temper"
HAGA IKANAI [nakanaka susumanai] "not getting very far"
HAMARU "join (in);" "take part (in)" -> Ex.: Hamarain! [Issho ni haitte!] "Come join in!"
HARA KUTTSUI [onaka ga ippai] "full (from eating)"
HASURI [daidokoro] "kitchen"
HEGARERU [hagareru] "to peel off" (intransitive)
HEGASU [hagasu] "to peel off" (transitive)
HIJAKABU [hiza] "knee"
HISHAGERU [henkei suru] "to become deformed"
HITEKOBI [hitai, odeko] "forehead"
HODE NASU [baka] "stupid," "useless"
HODOKOI [atatakai] "warm (weather)"
HODORU [atatamaru] "to warm up" (used of tangible objects)
HOIDO [kojiki] "beggar"
HOIJO [hôchô] "kitchen knife"
HON DE, MAZU. [Ja, mata.] "See you later."
HOTTABU [hoppeta] "cheeks"
HOTTA GODO NE. [Sonna koto nai.] "That's not true."
HYAKKOI [tsumetai] "cold (to the touch)"
IBIZU KADARU [dada o koneru] "to throw a tantrum"
I GASU [Ii desu.] "That's good." / "No thank you."
IGI AGARU [kaifuku suru] "to recover (from an illness)"
ITAMASHII / IDAMASUI [oshii, mottai-nai] "too bad" / "a waste"
IZUI [shikkuri konai] "to not quite fit"; "to not quite feel right" -> Expresses slight discomfort , usually involving clothing (i.e., a pebble in one's shoes, a shirt that does not fit properly, etc.).
JONTA. [Jôzu da.] "good (at)"
KABANEYAMI [namakemono] "lazy"
KADARU [iu] "to say" -> Ex.: Nani kadatten-no? [Nani iutten-no?] "What are you talking about?"
KAMASU / KAMAKASU [mazeru] "mix," "stir"
KARAKOBI [genkotsu] "fist"
KATTSAGU [hikkaku] "to scratch"
KECCHA / KECCHA MUGURE [uragaeshi] "inside-out"
KETSUTABU [(o)shiri, ketsu] "butt" / "bum"
KIDOGORONE SURU [fuku o kita mama de nete shimau] "fall asleep while still in one's clothes"
KOE [tsukareta] "exhausted" -> An "e-adjective" (i.e., past tense is koegatta, etc.).
KOMAI [komakai] "small (change)"; "minute (detail)"
KOPPAZUGASUI [hazukashii] "shy"; "embarassed"
KOSHOI / KOSHOBAYUI [kusuguttai] "ticklish"; "That tickles!"
MABURU [jikan o tsubusu] "kill time"
MAGURERU [taoreru] "collapse," "faint"
MAGU NE [umaku nai] "not very tasty"
MANAGU [me] "eye"
MATSUPOI [mabushii] "bright"; "glaring"
MAYAU [benshô suru] "compensate"
MEGUSAI / MENKUSAI [minikui] "ugly"
MEKKERU [mitsukeru] "find" -> Mekkeraida! [Mitsukerareta!] "I've been found out!"
MENKOI [kawaii] "cute"
MIDAGU NE [minikui] "ugly"
MOZOI / MOZOKOI [kawaisô] "poor" (as in "pitiable")
MUTSUKERU [suneru] "sulk"
NAJO [dou] "how"; "why" -> Najo suppe? [Dou shiyou?] "What should we do?"
NAGERU [suteru] "to throw away"
NANU SUTE [doushite, nan de] "why"
N'DE AMMECCHA. [Sou ja nai.] "That's not true."
NEMARU [suwaru] "sit"
NEMUTE / NEPUTE [nemui] "sleepy"
NEPPARU [hari-tsuku] "stick (to)"; "be pasted (on)"
NEPPASU [hari-tsukeru] "stick (onto)"; "paste (onto)"
NME [umai] "tastes good"
NOTTSO TSUKU / NOTTSO KOKU [bura-bura suru] "wander about aimlessly"
NOZUGADA [ato de] "later on"
O-ANTSAN / O-ANCHAN [o-nii-san] "older brother"; "young man"
O-BAN DESU[Kon ban wa.] "Good evening." -> More polite than this is O-ban de gasu, and even more polite is O-ban de gozaimasu or Oban de gozarisu.
O-BANTSAN / O-BANCHAN [o-baa-san] "grandmother"; "old woman"
ODAZU [fuzakeru] "joke around with" (often means joking too much)
ODAZU-MOKKO "someone who jokes around too much"
ODOGE [ago] "chin"
ODOGEDE NE [taihen na] "terrible"
O-DOTTSAN / O-DOCCHAN [o-tô-san] "father"
OGARU [seichô suru] "to grow (up)"
O-GATTSAN / O-GACCHAN [o-kaa-san] "mother"
OGOGO [tsukemono] "tsukemono" (pickled vegetables)
O-HAE GASU / O-HAYA GASU [O-hayou gozaimasu.] "Good morning."
OI [watashi] "I" / "me"
O-MYÔNUZU. [Mata ashita.] "See you tomorrow."
ONTSAN / ONCHAN [o-ji-san] "uncle"; "middle-aged man"
OPPI-SAN [hii-o-jii-san] "great-grandfather"
[hii-o-baa-san] "great-grandmother"
ORA / ORAHO [watashi] "I" / "me"
ORAI [watashi no ie] "my house" (cf. ANDAI)
OSHOSUI [hazukashii] "shy," "embarassed"
O-ZUNTSAN / O-ZUNCHAN [o-jii-san] "grandfather"; "old man"
RAZU MO NE [tonde mo nai] "terrible" [Editor's note: In my experience, "tonde mo nai" has meant "hell, no." Your mileage may vary.] [kudaranai] "ridiculous"; "absurd"
SHADEKO [otôto] "younger brother"
SHAGU [ago] "chin"; "jaw"
SHAMASU [komaru] "have a problem"; "be in a fix"
SHANE [shiranai] "to not know" -> An "e-adjective" (i.e., past tense is shanegatta, etc.)
SHANEPPURI SURU [shiranpuri suru] "feign importance"
SHARE! [atchi ike!] "Get out of here!" -> Imperative form of verb sharu ("go away").
SHIBARERU [samui] "(icy) cold"
SHINAKOI [shitsukoi, nebarizuyoi] "stubborn"; "tenacious"
SHIZU NE [urusai] "noisy"; "annoying"; "Shut up!"
SUPPANE AGARU [doromizu ga hanete kuru] "get muddy water splashed on oneself"
TAGOMARU [gujaguja ni naru] "get bunched up or entangled" -> Ex.: Sutokkingu tagomatte'ru. "My stockings are all bunched up."
TAROHI [tsurara] "icicle"
TSUNDASU [dasu] "to stick out (one's head, etc.)" -> Suggests a rougher manner of movement than dasu.
UNERU [neru] "sleep" / "rest"
USSHO [ushiro] "behind"
WAGANNE [wakaranai] "I don't know." / "I don't understand."
[dame] "no good"; "(that) won't do"
WASHIERU [wasureru] "forget"
YANDA [Iya da.] "I don't like it."
YAWAI [yawarakai] "soft"
YO GASU. (see I GASU.)
YUWAKU [musubu] "to tie"; "to bind"
ZEIGO [inaka] "the boonies"; "the sticks"
ZEIGOTARO [inaka-mono] "hick"